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Book Launch | Recovering an Undomesticated Apostle

Sep 29, 2023 6:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.

Where: Emmanuel College Chapel and online

Cost: Free

Register Here

About this Event: Join us for the launch of Recovering an Undomesticated Apostle: Essays on the Legacy of Paul (McGill-Queens 2023), edited by Christopher B. Zeichmann Emm 1T7 and John A. Egger Emm 1T5. Published in honour of Leif E. Vaage (Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Emmanuel College), Recovering an Undomesticated Apostle presents Paul as a man operating from a position of desperation, making virtue out of necessity as he attempted to claw his way up in the dog-eat-dog world of the ancient Mediterranean. Details and registration are here.

Join us for the launch of the book, Recovering an Undomesticated Apostle: Essays on the Legacy of Paul, on September 29, 6 p.m. in the Emmanuel College Chapel