Welcome to Emmanuel College!
Bienvenue au Collège Emmanuel!
Le Collège accueille de nombreux étudiants étrangers du monde entier. Nous espérons que vous vous y sentirez chez vous. Veuillez lire ci‑dessous les conditions d’admission au Collège Emmanuel de l’Université Victoria, qui se trouve sur le campus de l’Université de Toronto.
Connaissance de l’anglais
Les étudiants de l’Université de Toronto doivent bien maîtriser l’anglais pour pouvoir y étudier. Tous les candidats qui ont étudié à l’étranger et dont la langue maternelle n’est pas l’anglais doivent démontrer qu’ils maîtrisent la langue de Shakespeare.
Pour ce faire, ils peuvent passer l’un nos tests de connaissance de l’anglais dans les deux années suivant leur demande.
Évaluation des diplômes étrangers
Pour les candidats qui détiennent un diplôme étranger, il est préférable de faire évaluer et traduire leurs titres de compétences par l’un des organismes suivants :
- World Education Services
- Comparative Education Service: University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies
- Service canadien d’évaluation de documents scolaires internationaux
- Évaluation de l’IQAS aux fins d’immigration
- International Credential Evaluation Service
Normes universitaires
Les programmes du Collège Emmanuel exigent un baccalauréat de quatre ans ou un diplôme équivalent d’une université reconnue par l’Université de Toronto.
L’Université de Toronto privilégie une moyenne cumulative d’au moins 3.
Équivalences des titres de compétences étrangers
Frais de scolarité et soutien financier
Malheureusement, il y a très peu de subventions ou de bourses officielles offertes aux étudiants étrangers poursuivant des études de base. Toutefois, les étudiants ayant un besoin démontrable peuvent recevoir une réduction allant de 30 à 50 % sur leurs frais de scolarité.
Les étudiants désireux de se faire ordonner pasteurs par l’Église Unie du Canada peuvent avoir droit à la subvention John W. Billes Grant.
Nous décernons l’International Music Scholar Award (prix international en musicologie) à un candidat étranger exceptionnel : le lauréat recevra une bourse correspondant à deux ans d’études à temps plein dans le cadre du programme de maîtrise en musique sacrée.
Frais de scolarité et soutien financier
N’hésitez pas à écrire au bureau des admissions, à emmanuel.admissions@utoronto.ca, pour en savoir plus.
Vous pouvez aussi communiquer avec un professeur qui parle votre langue maternelle en regardant la liste des noms des professeurs.
¡Bienvenidos a Emmanuel College!
Emmanuel ha dado la bienvenida a muchos estudiantes internacionales de todo el mundo. Esperamos que encuentres un hogar con nosotros. Por favor revisa los requisitos de admisión a continuación para estudiar en Emmanuel College de la Universidad Victoria en la Universidad de Toronto.
Competencia en el idioma inglés
Posibles estudiantes deberán poder comunicarse efectivamente en inglés para estudiar en la Universidad de Toronto. Competencia en el idioma inglés deberá ser demostrado por todos los solicitantes educados fuera de Canadá cuyo idioma principal no sea el inglés.
Este requisito puede satisfacerse por medio de estas pruebas de competencia del idioma inglés. Los resultados de las pruebas deberán tomarse dentro de los dos años antes de llenar su aplicación.
Evaluación Internacional de Títulos
Para los solicitantes que poseen un título internacional, es preferible completar una evaluación y traducción de credenciales educativas a través de una de estas organizaciones designadas:
- Servicios Educativos Mundiales
- Servicio de Educación Comparada: Escuela de Estudios Continuos de la Universidad de Toronto
- Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de Credenciales de Canadá
- Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de Cualificaciones
- Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de Credenciales
Requisitos académicos
Los programas de Emmanuel College requieren un bachillerato/pregrado de cuatro años, o un título equivalente de una universidad reconocida por la Universidad de Toronto.
Se prefiere un promedio de notas (CGPA) mínimo de 3.0 en la Universidad de Toronto.
Equivalencias de credenciales internacionales.
Matriculación y apoyo financiero
Lamentablemente, hay muy pocas subvenciones formales u oportunidades de becas para estudiantes internacionales para maestrías. Sin embargo, estudiantes que logran demostrar necesidad económica quizás puedan recibir más del 30-50% de descuento en la matrícula.
Los estudiantes interesados en la ordenación en la Iglesia Unida de Canadá pueden ser elegibles para la Beca John W. Billes.
El International Music Scholar Award (el premio internacional para el músico-académico) se otorga a un solicitante internacional sobresaliente. El recipiente recibirá apoyo de matrícula completo por hasta dos años de estudio a tiempo completo en el programa de grado de Maestría en Música Religiosa.
Matriculación y apoyo financiero
Por favor, no dudes en comunicarte con la Oficina de Admisión: emmanuel.admissions@utoronto.ca para obtener más información.
Además, comunícate con cualquier miembro de la facultad que comparta tu primer idioma consultando el sitio web.
Emmanuel College에 오신 것을 환영합니다!
Emmanuel College는 전 세계의 수많은 학생들을 환영합니다. 여러분이 안전하고 마음 편히 공부할 수 있는 환경을 조성하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 토론토 대학교 빅토리아 대학교의 Emmanuel College에 입학하려면 아래의 입학 요건을 확인하십시오.
영어 능력
토론토 대학교에서 수학 하려면 실질적인 영어 의사 소통이 가능해야 합니다. 캐나다 국외에서 교육을 받은 지원자 중 영어가 자신의 모국어가 아닌 모든 지원자는 영어 능력을 입증해야 합니다.
이 요건을 충족하려면 이 링크의 영어 능력 시험 중 하나의 시험 결과를 제출하면 됩니다. 시험 점수는 입학신청 2년 이내에 취득한 점수여야 합니다.
국제 학위 평가
캐나다 국외에서 학위를 취득한 지원자의 경우 다음의 지정 기관 중 하나를 통해 교육 자격 평가 및 번역을 완료하는 것이 좋습니다:
학업 요건
Emmanuel College 프로그램은 4년제 학사 학위 또는 토론토 대학교에서 공인한 대학교에서 취득한 학사에 상응하는 학위가 필요합니다.토론토 대학교에서는 총 누적학점 3.0이상을 선호합니다.국제 학점 상응표
학비 및 재정 지원
유감스럽게도 Basic Degree 과정의 유학생을 위한 공식 학비 보조금이나 장학금 기회는 많지 않습니다. 그러나 재정적 어려움을 입증하는 학생들은 학비의 30-50%를 감면 받을 수 있습니다.
United Church of Canada에서 안수를 받고자 하는 학생은 John W. Billes Grant통해 전액 장학금을 받을 수 있습니다.
International Music Scholar Award는 뛰어난 국제 지원자에게 수여됩니다. 이 장학금 수혜자는 Master of Sacred Music프로그램 정규 학위 등록금 전액을 최대 2년간 지원 받게 됩니다.학비 및 재정 지원
더 자세한 정보를 원하시면 입학 사무소(emmanuel.admissions@utoronto.ca)로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.
또한 학교 웹 사이트를 확인하고 같은 모국어를 사용하는 교수진이 있다면 이메일을 보내시면 됩니다.
مرحباً بكم في كلية إيمانويل
International Student Resources
Information on studying, entering and working in Canada can be found on the Immigration page at U of T's International Experience.
For current news about the study permit process and working in Canada, refer to the government website.
International students accepted by Emmanuel College will receive an official Student Enrolment Contract which is to accompany the applicant’s study permit application.
Basic degree international students who have questions about immigration can contact the University of Toronto (UT) immigration advisor directly.
Graduate degree international students who have questions about immigration are to contact the Emmanuel College Registrar who will ask the immigration advisor on their behalf. (Graduate students do not have direct access to this service because they do not pay UT Student Life Services fees.)
Cost of Studying at the University of Toronto
To get an estimate of how much money you will need to cover tuition and fees, housing, food and miscellaneous expenses, please use the Financial Planning Calculator.
Tuition and Incidental Fee Costs and Refund Schedule
University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)
UHIP is mandatory health care coverage for registered international and exchange basic and graduate degree students while they study in Canada. Students are automatically enrolled in UHIP for a 12-month period, starting September 1 and ending August 31. The period is pro-rated for exchange students and international students returning from an official leave of absence.
UHIP is managed by the UHIP Office at the University of Toronto.
UT Student Union (UTSU) Health and Dental Plan
UTSU administers a Health and Dental Plan for ALL full-time UT undergraduate and Toronto School of Theology students. The plan provides full or partial coverage for many services not covered by provincial health care. International students are automatically covered by UTSU Health and Dental Plan.
UT Health and Wellness Centre
Basic degree international students have access to the UT Health and Wellness Centre because their incidental fees pay for this service. The centre offers mental health and medical support and other services and resources.
Graduate degree international students do not have access to the centre because they do not pay UT Student Life Services fees. They are advised to search the UHIP site for a Health Care Provider.
U of T Health and Other Social Service Supports
Accessibility Services
International basic and graduate degree students with disabilities, health conditions, and diverse ways of learnings are strongly advised to register with UT Accessibility Services. This office will provide academic accommodations and resources to help students meet diverse learning needs and develop peer connections that foster a sense of belonging.
Centre for International Experience (CIE)
CIE offers a range of programs, events and services to support international students. Most services other than the UHIP Office are only available for basic degree students.
Working in Canada (for Current Students Only)
From November 15, 2024, until December 31, 2025, you can work more than 20 hours per week off campus while class is in session if you
- are a study permit holder and are studying at a DLI full-time (or part-time during your final academic session), OR
- have been approved for a study permit but haven’t arrived in Canada yet
In addition, you must meet all these requirements:
- You must ensure we receive your application for this study permit (including extensions) on or before October 2024.
- You must have an off-campus work authorization on your study permit.
- You must be either in Canada or coming to Canada by December 31, 2024.
Unpaid Placements
International basic degree students registered in the Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Divinity degree programs are required to do an unpaid placement.
For an unpaid placement at a teaching hospital in the Greater Toronto Area, students must apply directly with the SPE unit listed on the CASC website or to a community-based agency through EM SPE or Contextual Education.
More details about unpaid placements, UT policies, government legislation and external policies are posted here.
Embassies & Cultural or Religious Community Organizations
Nearest Embassies or Consulates in Toronto
Cultural or Religious Community Organizations
Important Financial Aid Information for US Citizen's
US Direct Loans: TST Students Ineligible
More than a decade ago, the US Department of Education determined that TST and all its member institutions are considered ineligible for Title IV purposes. This means that:
TST students are not eligible to receive US Direct Loans. This information is detailed in the Non-approved Programs/Institutions of this U of T US Direct Loans website.
- TST students are not eligible for in-school loan deferment to make their US Direct Loans from their previous universities/schools interest-free. This information is detailed on the U of T In-School Loan Deferment website.