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Workshop | Spiritual Care to the Dying and the Bereaved

Oct 25, 2023 9:45a.m. - 3:30p.m.

Preparing for Death in the Midst of Life and in the Time of MAiD: Anne Simmonds

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Cost: $150 + HST (includes snacks and lunch)

Where: Emmanuel College Chapel

About this Event: Spiritual care to the dying and bereaved, while being one of the most satisfying aspects of ministry, has always had challenges. We embrace those struggling with difficult decisions. The advent of MAiD has increased the complexity of these conversations and deliberations. In this workshop we will address the new laws in Canada around who is eligible for this service, the novel issues MAiD presents, and what A. Frolic, PhD, describes as the "opposing tensions experienced by individuals who accompany a loved one through MAiD."

What might it mean to more intentionally prepare for death, in our own lives and with those we serve? How can we facilitate and witness difficult, but necessary, conversations around death and dying before it is too late? The workshop will provide ample time for participants to learn, reflect, and share, as well as time for easily learned self-care practices.

By encountering death many thousands of times, I have come to the view that there is usually little to fear and much to prepare for. Most patients and families believe the opposite. – Kathryn Mannix, MD

About the Speaker: As adjunct faculty at Emmanuel College, Rev. Dr. Anne Simmonds Emm 9T6 has taught courses in death, dying and grieving, and prayer in Emmanuel's MDiv, MPS, continuing education and parish nursing programs. Simmonds is a voluntary associate minister at Rosedale United Church and a spiritual mentor in Toronto. She is a gifted speaker and facilitator who draws on her extensive experience in teaching, congregational ministry, hospital chaplaincy, nursing and her own grief. Simmonds was awarded the Emmanuel College Alumni/ae Association (ECAA) Distinguished Alumni/ae Award in 2018.