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Emmanuel College Alumni/ae Association Spotlight

Feb 14, 2022

EC Connects recently reached out to Emmanuel College Alumni/ae Association (ECAA) members at large and asked them what they are currently up to, and to share any highlights from their time at Emmanuel. 

Glen Greenwood, 1T3 (Lay Certificate in Theology)

Glen Greenwood

"I am retired from a career in sales. I enjoy golf and preaching. Two years after graduation, I became a licensed lay worship leader (LLWL) in Shining Waters Regional Council (SWRC). Since then, I have done pulpit supply at various churches throughout the region. This has given me a chance to use all the skills I learned at Emmanuel (e.g., homiletics, worship, Old Testament, New Testament, theology, and more). I serve on the SWRC LLWL committee. This gives me a chance to encourage others interested in worship leadership.

In 2014, one of my professors said to me, 'Glen, the spirit of the Lord is upon you.' That changed everything! I have audited at least 15 courses. Perhaps this Pablo Picasso quote is useful: 'I am always doing what I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.'"


HyeRan Kim-Cragg (김혜란), Timothy Eaton Memorial Church Professor of Preaching (Emmanuel College), Emm 0T6 (ThD)

HyeRan Kim-Cragg

"I am currently doing quite a bit of administrative work as graduate director at Emmanuel. It is graduate admission season when PhD, DMin, ThM and MA students apply to study with us. It is an exciting time. One of my passions is to cultivate future leaders for theological education and faith leaders in their respective communities around the globe. This cultivation happens through my teaching, writing and service. All of these areas are equally important. I enjoy cooking, biking, hiking, walking and watching Korean dramas. My daily intellectual and spiritual hobbies include watching house plants grow and listening to podcasts.

A highlight, as far as a life-changing event is concerned, has to be that I met my future husband while studying at Emmanuel in 1995. Another highlight as a historical event was when a few of us MDiv students drove to Montreal to witness the Quebec Referendum-Unity rally on October 27, 1995."


Kate McLarty-Young, Emm 8T8 (MRE), 9T8 (Testamur)

Kate McLarty-Young

"Currently in ministry with the good people of Munn's United Church in Oakville. A proud mother of three beautiful daughters and Nana to three amazing grandsons! 

A highlight at Emmanuel, aside from meeting my life partner, Neil, was gathering in the Bowles-Gandier residence where I lived from 1985 to1987, sharing in many conversations and making lifelong friends." 






Robert Petrie, Emm 1T9 (MPS)

Robert Petrie"Thanks to the education I received at Emmanuel, I enjoy a robust private part-time practice as a registered psychotherapist. This allows me to pursue my passion for travelling, spiritual development and just living my best life.

The experience at Emmanuel that stands out most is the blanket exercise that opened my mind to white privilege and Canada’s dark history in the treatment of First Nations people."




Enloe Wilson, 1T0 (MTS)

Enloe Wilson"Having served as a major gift fundraiser for various Greater Toronto Area nonprofits, I currently serve as principal major gifts development manager at the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that hosts Wikipedia and its 13 sister projects. My primary tasks entail the cultivation of philanthropic partnerships in service to fostering Wikimedia's mission of global knowledge equity.

My experience at Emmanuel offered countless great memories, but perhaps my favourite is the exhilarating conversations, at a critical moment in my faith life, sparked by the readings and re-readings of Old Testament 1 and 2."

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