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The School of Earth & Soul–Celtic Wisdom 3: Sacred Imagination

Jul 25, 2023 6:00p.m.  -
Jul 27, 2023 12:30p.m.

Register Here

In 2016, John Philip Newell began a teaching initiative that is called The School of Earth & Soul. Its purpose is to reawaken awareness of the sacred in all things through the recovery of Celtic wisdom for today and to help translate this awareness into compassionate action. The school follows a three-year cycle of teaching in its annual retreats. Participants may join at any stage in the three-year cycle and attend any of the Earth & Soul venues across the country.

In July, Emmanuel College's Centre for Religion and Its Contexts is hosting the Celtic Wisdom 3: Sacred Imagination retreat, where participants will be invited to reawaken to the sacredness of the human imagination and compassionate action through the teachings of Alexander John Scott, George MacLeod and Kenneth White.

This commuter retreat includes both teaching and spiritual practice over three days. Each day begins and ends with meditative prayer and chant. John Philip teaches from the wisdom of Celtic prophets over the centuries, applying this ancient wisdom to today's most critical challenges. Cami Twilling invites us into spiritual practice bringing our inner attention to the presence of the sacred within us and within all things. In the early afternoon, there is silence and free time for resting and walking. Our meals are shared in common and on the evening of the second day we have a party to celebrate our time together at the school. On the final morning before lunch, we share together in a closing ritual of thanksgiving.

Visit the retreat page for full details.